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14 Giuseppe Guardiani Landscape - Octave divided into 53 parts (Neumann Scale) |
13 Johann Sebastian Bach Fugue in g minor BWV 578 |
12 Giuseppe Guardiani Microtonal Fugue - Thirds of a Tone |
11 Giuseppe Guardiani Pipe Organ and other Instruments- Thirds of a Tone |
10 Giuseppe Guardiani
On the Sea Cliff - Sexteenths of a Tone |
09 Andrea (he composed this music when it was eight years old) Pentatonic Music |
08 Carola (she composed this music when it was nine years old) Confetti - Eight of a Tone |
07 Gabriele Bacino (he composed this music when it was ten years old) Impressions - Eight of a Tone |
06 Paolo Maria Guardiani Lines Games - Sixth of a Tone |
05 Paolo Maria Guardiani Flute Ensamble- Sixteenth of a Tone |
04 Antonio Bacino Scherzetto - Fourth of a Tone |
03 Matteo (he composed this music when it was nine years old) Microtonal Rain - Eight of a Tone |
02 Paolo Maria Guardiani Vibrations - Sixth of a Tone |
01 Giuseppe Guardiani Ostinato - Fourth of a Tone |
Microtonal Suite - (by Giuseppe Guardiani)
On the rocks, at the sea - Sixteenth of tone -
4' 27''
Listen the MP3 | Read the score (only the first page) | |
Fugato - Third of a tone - 1' 29''
Listen the MP3 | Read the score (only the first page) | |
Sidera - Fourth of a tone - 11' 16''
Listen the MP3 | Read the score (only the first page) | |
Galaxys Sounds - Sixth of a tone - 6 30''
Listen the MP3 | Read the score (only the first page) | |
Landscape - Octave subdivided in fifty-tree parts
- 6' 16''
Listen the MP3 | Read the score (only the first page) | |
Musical examples in Tempered System
Ah vous dirai-je, maman
Listen the MP3 | Read the score (only the first page) | |
Johann Sebastian Bach - Invenzione a due voci N°
Listen the MP3 | Read the score (only the first page) | |
Johann Sebastian Bach - Invenzione a due voci N°
Listen the MP3 | Read the score (only the first page) | |
Johann Sebastian Bach - Invenzione a tre voci N°
Listen the MP3 | Read the score (only the first page) | |
Robert Schumann - Melodia (dall'Album per la gioventù)
Listen the MP3 | Read the score (only the first page) | |
Robert Schumann - Il contadino allegro (dall'Album
per la gioventù)
Listen the MP3 | Read the score (only the first page) | |
Musical examples in Microtonal System
Arcobaleno - Sedicesimi di tono
Listen the MP3 | Read the score (only the first page) | |
Montagne russe - Ottavi di tono
Listen the MP3 | Read the score (only the first page) | |
Ostinato - Quarti di tono
Listen the MP3 | Read the score (only the first page) | |
Punti e linee - Sedicesimi di tono
Listen the MP3 | Read the score (only the first page) | |
Horror - Sedicesimi di tono
Listen the MP3 | Read the score (only the first page) | |
Dialogo fra strumenti - Ottavi di tono
Listen the MP3 | Read the score (only the first page) | |
Polifonia mocrotonale - Sesti di tono
Listen the MP3 | Read the score (only the first page) | |
Organo e altri strumenti - Terzi di tono
Listen the MP3 | Read the score (only the first page) | |